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Bonjour, est que vous pouvez me aidez s’il vous plaît
Last summer my son, Patrick, and I were on holiday
in Cornwall (1)
(warm) part of England.
One day, Patrick met a friendly surfing instructor who
promised to teach us how to surf. Although I am not
(good) swimmer in the world, I
agreed because I like to spend (3)
(many) hours as possible with Patrick during our
holidays. The next morning it seemed that it would
be one of (4)
(beautiful) days of the
summer. However, as soon as we got to the beach
and were ready to jump into the water, the weather
suddenly changed. The winds were blowing
(hard) and harder and it seemed that the waves were (6)
(high) than some houses!
Patrick and I started to have second thoughts about the whole thing and the more we thought about it,
(frightened) we got. Fortunately, the instructor assured us that it was not (8)
(bad) as it looked. In the end, we decided to go for it and hope for (9)
(good)! We both had a wonderful
day and needless to say, Patrick was much (10)
(good) at surfing than I was.

Sagot :


Last summer my son, Patrick, and I were on holiday in Cornwall warmed part of England.

One day, Patrick met a friendly surfing instructor who promised to teach us how to surf. Although I am not the best swimmer in the world, I agreed because I like to spend  as many hours as possible with Patrick during our holidays.

The next morning it seemed that it would be one of the most beautiful days of the summer. However, as soon as we got to the beach and were ready to jump into the water, the weather suddenly changed. The winds were blowing harder and harder and it seemed that the waves were higher than some houses!

Patrick and I started to have second thoughts about the whole thing and the more we thought about it, the more frightened we got.

Fortunately, the instructor assured us that it was not as bad as it looked.

In the end, we decided to go for it and hope for the best ! We both had a wonderful day and needless to say, Patrick was much better at surfing than I was.

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