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bonjour j'ai besoin de votre aide pour ces exercice svp !

1) What’s the capital city of Scotland?
a) Glasgow b) Aberdeen c) Edinburgh

2) What's the name of the Patron Saint of the Scots?
a) George b) Patrick c) Andrew

3) What is the date of the Scottish Patron Saint's day?
a) March 17th b) November 30th c) April 23rd

4) What colour is the Scottish flag?
a) Blue with a white cross b) White with a blue cross
c) Green with a white cross

5) What’s the name of the famous lake where a monster is said to live?
a) Loch Monstro b) Loch Grass c) Loch Ness

6) What is the name of the monster who is said to live in a lake?
a) Bessie b) Nessie c) Grassy

7) What’s the name of the type of skirt that Scottish men sometimes wear?
a) Kilt b) Scot skirt c) Skilt

Sagot :

1) c
2) c
3) b
4) a
5) c
6) b
7) a
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