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Bonjour j’aurais besoin de votre aide pour cette exercice en anglais svp ??

Bonjour Jaurais Besoin De Votre Aide Pour Cette Exercice En Anglais Svp class=

Sagot :


A) At 10 o’clock, Jeff and Laura didn’t kiss behind the library, they were talking.

B) Last night, Jake didn’t have a party, he was sleeping in his room.

C) Lucy didn’t laught and chat during the math test, she was working hard.

J’espère avoir pu aider, bonne continuation.


A. At 10 o'clock Jeff and Laura weren't kissing behind the library but they were talking.

B. Last night Jade wasn't in the party, he slept in his room.

C. During the math test Lucy wasn't laughing and chating, she worked hard.

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