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Pouvez-vous m’aider c’est un devoir pour demain est c’est noter Vocabulary and grammar exercise
Use and conjugate in preterit the following verbs to complete the biography
get married
get a job
grow up
be born
on July 4th, 1924 and
on a farm in
Indiana. When she was 18, she
to become a nurse. When she
from school she moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan.
working at the university of Michigan as a nurse. Martha met a
nice man called William and they
in 1952.
at the age of 88.

Sagot :

Martha was born on July 4th, 1924 and grew up on a farm in Indiana. When she was 18, she studied to become a nurse. When she graduated from school she moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan. She got a job working at the university of Michigan as a nurse. Martha met a nice man called William and they got married in 1952. She died at the age of 88.

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