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Bonjour pourrais vous m’aider pour exercice j’arrive vraiment pas merci

Présent Progressive or Present Simple? Complete with the correct tense.
1. I never
of ghosts. (dream)
2. Tom
English at school. (learn)
3. Listen! Ann
the piano. (play)
4. What are you doing?
a model plane. (make)
5. Can you help me? No, sorry,
the baby. (look after)
6. Mum always coffee in the afternoon. (drink)
7. Where is mum? She
dinner. (cook)
8. Who
? This is Mr Blackwell. (speak)
9. We often
eggs for breakfast. (have)
10. What are you doing?!
for my English test. (learn)
11. Tom
his bike at the moment. (clean)
12. He
his uncle every Wednesday. (visit)
13. What are you doing?
TV. (watch)
14. Today it
(not rain), the sun
15. They sometimes
to the cinema on Sundays. (go)

Sagot :



Réponse :

Présent Progressive or Present Simple? Complete with the correct tense.

1. I never dream of ghosts. (dream)

2. Tom is learning English at school. (learn)

3. Listen! Ann is playing the piano. (play)

4. What are you doing? I am making a model plane. (make)

5. Can you help me? No, sorry, I am looking the baby. (look after)

6. Mum always drinks coffee in the afternoon. (drink)

7. Where is mum? She is cooking dinner. (cook)

8. Who is speaking  ? This is Mr Blackwell. (speak)

9. We often have eggs for breakfast. (have)

10. What are you doing?! I am learning for my English test. (learn)

11. Tom is cleaning his bike at the moment. (clean)

12. He visits his uncle every Wednesday. (visit)

13. What are you doing? I am watching TV. (watch)

14. Today it isn't raining,  (not rain), the sun is shining (shine).

15. They sometimes go to the cinema on Sundays. (go)

Explications :

Présent simple : Pour les habitudes, les vérités générales ...

Forme affirmative : ne pas oublier le "s" à la 3ème personne.

Indices : always, sometimes, never, on Monday ... , evey Monday...

Présent Progressif : Pour les actions qui sont en train de se dérouler au moment où l'on parle .

Forme affirmative:  sujet + am/are/is  + BV-ing

Indices : now, at the moment, look ! ...

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