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prétérit sims.
69 **Écris ce hrases en conjuguant les verbes au
a. Last year, I... (volunteer) to help a charity. I...
(help) children with their homework every day. It
...(be) really interesting but I... (not-be)patient
b. My friends... (not-know) how to grow
, so they ... (watch) a TV report, ...
(read) gardening books and ... (search) on the
Net. They finally ... (succeed)! They ... (eat) their
first tomatoes and carrots last week!
c. My grandfather ... (work) as a policeman, He
... (arrest) people who ... (steal) things from the
shops in the city centre. Once he even ... (catch)
five criminals on his own!​

Sagot :

Réponse :

a. Last year, I volunteered to help a charity. I helped children with their homework every day. It was really interesting but I wasn’t patient


b. My friends didn’t knew how to grow


, so they watched a TV report, read gardening books and searched on the

Net. They finally suceeded! They ate their

first tomatoes and carrots last week!

c. My grandfather worked as a policeman, He arrested people who stole things from the

shops in the city centre. Once he even catched five criminals on his own!​

Réponse :

Volunteered, helped, was, wasn't, didn't know, watched, read, searched, succeeded, ate, worked, arrested, stole, caught

Explications :

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