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bonjour pouvez vous ,m aidez avec ce travail d 'anglais
merci d'avance

write a short gothic story ( écrire une courte histoire gothique)
do not copy on the internet

Sagot :

Bonjour ! Voici mon petit histoire gothique ^-^J'éspere que tu l'aimerais :

According to rumors, a soul lived in a small dark room, that soul absorbed the energy of happiness from everyone who entered the room. But one day children who did not believe in this story entered that room and saw that nothing was happening in the room and made fun of the people who told this story. But while they were laughing, suddenly the door of the room closed to themselves and the children suddenly stopped laughing and screamed this time. Those who heard these screams immediately came to see what had happened, but all they could see was the die bodies of the children. Nobody was able to find out exactly about that incident, but they realized that they shouldn't go in there anymore.

Bonne Journéeee ! :D

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