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Bonsoir, j'ai besoin d'aide pour un devoir en anglais, merci. (conjuger les verbes entre parenthèses a la bonne forme).

-Complete with the verbs in the correct form.

1) If I (pollute) Earth, it (be) in great danger soon.
2) If you (drive) a lot, you (produce) many CO2 emissions.
3) If my mother (buy) only CFC-free products, she (protect) the ozone layer.
4) If my father (not stop) burying rubbish in the garden, there (be) water pollution in our neighbourhood.
5) Many animals ( disappear) if poluution (continue)

Sagot :



1) If I pollute Earth, it  will be in great danger soon.

2) If you drive a lot, you will produce many CO2 emissions.

3) If my mother buys only CFC-free products, she will protect the ozone layer.

4) If my father doesn't stop  burying rubbish in the garden, there will be water pollution in our neighbourhood.

5) Many animals will disappear if pollution continues

Explications :

If + présent simple dans la proposition subordonnée ==> futur ( will ) dans la proposition principale

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