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s'il vous plaît aidez moi je ne comprends pas

Find the word or expression corresponding to the following definitions:

Carbon dioxide and methane are the most important ones =

A mass of ice and snow that permanently covers a large area of land =

The very cold area around the North Pole =

Causing damage or injury to somebody or something =

3. (voir aussi pj )

Find five words in the grid, then complete the sentences with them.

Since 1950, over 80 percent of the ___________________ has melted.

___________________ weather events, such as hurricanes or floods, have become more frequent in the past ten years.

Scientists think we should ___________________ about global warming.

A study says oceans could ___________________ between 0.8 and 2 meters by 2100.

The ___________________ has warmed 1.4°F since 1880.

Sil Vous Plaît Aidez Moi Je Ne Comprends Pas Find The Word Or Expression Corresponding To The Following DefinitionsCarbon Dioxide And Methane Are The Most Impor class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

A mass of ice and snow that permanently covers a large area of land

The very cold area around the North Pole

Causing damage or injury to somebody or something

Explications :

pour le moments je nai trouver que ca

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