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Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider en anglais a répondre aux questions svp à l'aide du lien de la vidéo :
1) What is the Duke of Edinburgh award ? 2) What are the titles of the skills categories?3) How is the gold award different? 4) What age do you have to be to do each award? 5) What is the aim of the DOE Award?

Sagot :

Réponse :


1) What is the Duke of Edinburgh award ?

The Duke of Edinburgh award is designed for youth between the age of 14 and 24 who have to complete four sections

2) What are the titles of the skills categories?

The skills you will get by doing the DoE award are : confidence, and a different view on life.

3) How is the gold award different?

The gold award is different because you should also complete an extra section, a residential one.

4) What age do you have to be to do each award?

You need to be between the age of 14 and 24.

5) What is the aim of the DOE Award?

The aim of the DoE award is to provide youth people with a new experience, that will make them meet new people, and to gain valuable skills.

J'espère que cela t'aura aidé !

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