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En Anglais, je dois rédiger un texte au passé simple (Simple Past), avec 20 verbes différents.





Je n'ai pas la force de le travailler, je sors de l'hopital, j'ai eu une entorse au bras :o Aidez-moi!


Merci d'avance :)


Sagot :

During the Christmas holidays I bought gifts and invited friends. I like  Christmas holidays because there is the feast of Christmas and New Year.

We invited lots of friends to party  and we received many gifts. For Christmas, I received a DVD, money, chocolates, perfume, candy, make-up...

But what I like....., is having fun with my friends. For example, a few days ago, I went to a karaoke with a friend and we had a good time. Tomorrow we are going to the bowling. In a few days, we will be in 2013

We are going to go to party. And the rest of the holidays, I'm going to revise my vocybulary of English and German, go to the cinema...and the holidays will be finished

During my holiday, i went to Paris. It is the capital of France. It was sunny! I slept in my uncle's house. I visited lots of monument: eiffel Tower, tower montparnasse. I always ate in restaurant across the big street.