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Présenter un voyage au passé en anglais

- Privilégier le prétérit quand il y a une date !
- Prétérit avec les verbes réguliers: on ajoute
ED à la fin du verbe
- Prétérit avec les verbes irréguliers

S'il vous plaît répondez au plus vite j'en ai besoin pour demain !
Merci d'avance ​

Sagot :

Réponse :

1. Introduction:

  Imagine you're sharing a story about a trip you took in the past. You can start by introducing the context:

  - "A few years ago, I went on an unforgettable trip to..."

2. Using the Past Tense:

  When describing events that happened in the past, we often use the simple past tense. Here's how to form it:

  - Regular Verbs:

  - For regular verbs, add "-ed" to the base form of the verb:

  - *Example: "I visited Paris last summer."

  - Irregular Verbs:

  - Irregular verbs have unique forms in the past tense. Here are some common ones:

  - Example: "I ate delicious croissants in a French café."

3. Adding Dates and Details:

  - To emphasize specific dates, use phrases like:

  - "On June 15th, 2019..."

  - "In 2005..."

  - "Last week..."

4. Describing Activities:

  - Use action verbs to describe what you did during the trip:

   - "We explored ancient ruins."

   - "She swam in the crystal-clear waters."

5. Feelings and Impressions:

  - Share your emotions or impressions:

  - "I was amazed by the Eiffel Tower."

  - "The view from the mountaintop took my breath away."

A toi de jouer pour inventer l'histoire avec ce que je t'ai donné