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4. Whether you like it or not, you
getting fed up with waiting!
to do it. That's the rule!
4 En 50 ans, les choses ont peu changé !
Complète les phrases pour dire qu'il se passait
la même chose dans les années 60.
1. Now kids must learn their lessons. In the 60s, kids.
2. Now kids mustn't cheat. In the 60s, kids............... cheat.
3. Now kids don't have to go to school on Sundays. In the 60s, kids ......... go to school on Sunc
4. Now kids needn't/don't need to mow the school's lawn.
In the 60s, kids ......... mow the school's lawn.
Demande-toi de qu
provient l'obligatio
learn their lessons.
5. Now kids must be polite at school. In the 60s, kids ............... be polite at school.
5 Complète ce petit texte en utilisant «>,