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coucou qui peux m'aider :
Find and Correct the mistakes Maria has 15 years old. She haven't got any brother or sister. Her favourite class is sciences because it allows her to understand how the world works. His favourite place in school is the tree in the playground. He can stand cooking however (=but) she enjoys nice food. She is the curiousest in her class and in the future she'd like become a historian.
merci d'avance ​

Sagot :



Find and Correct the mistakes

Maria is 15 years old. She hasn't' got any brother nor sister. Her favourite class is science because it allows her to understand how the world works. Her favourite place at school is the tree in the playground. She can't stand cooking however (=but) she enjoys nice food. She is the most curious in her class and in the future she'd like to become a/oi/ an historian. (les 2 sont acceptés d'après ce que j'ai pu voir en grammaire anglaise)


bonne soirée ☺☺☺

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