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Écrire un discours pour les élections de délégué d’école mais en anglais.Cela doit être décomposé en 4 parties:

Introduction -mes qualités-mon projet-conclusion
Merci D’avance, je compte sur vous

Sagot :

Good morning !

I would like to stand for class representative elections. I am… in class of… and indeed, I think that I have all the qualities to become a good class representative.

First, I’m someone who really like to help and that’s why I think I can help you all if you want to tell me about your problems and conflicts in the class while keeping it secret if you prefer. I also will be able to share the fears, claims and problems of the class with the teachers.

I have also others projects : I really want to share with the teachers and responsables in the establishment my ideas of activities and plans for this year. I think we can organize special day (day of talent) for instance but also establishes moment for sailing things to eat in the breaks time.
I’m open if you propose your ideas by the way !

To conclude I think I will be the best representative because I have a lot of things to propose and because of my motivation !

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