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B/Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the word given in the brackets. 1. I am busy with the ........... of my exam. (prepare) 2. The children delivered a ............ performance. (marvel) 3. Most people have no political ........ (convince) 4. This island has no ... (inhabit) 5. Children ask questions out of ....... (curious) 6. Despite being rich, he has a ........... life. (misery) 7. Another war will bring ....... to mankind. (destroy)​

svp j'ai besoins de l'aide pour mon devoirs d'anglais. Merci.​

Sagot :



Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the word given in the brackets.

1. I am busy with the preparation of my exam. (prepare)

2. The children delivered a marvelous performance. (marvel)

3. Most people have no political conviction (convince)

4. This island has no inhabitants (inhabit)

5. Children ask questions out of  curiosity (curious)

6. Despite being rich, he has a miserable life. (misery)

7. Another war will bring destruction to mankind. (destroy)​


bonne soirée ☺☺☺

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