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bonjour! pouvez vous m'aidez pour ce texte à trou sur l'émancipation des femmes merci!​

Bonjour Pouvez Vous Maidez Pour Ce Texte À Trou Sur Lémancipation Des Femmes Merci class=

Sagot :

Reality does not deserve to be shown on *TV* ads because it does not correspond to what is considered beautiful, healthy, normal or *glamorous*.
Women are *expected* to behave a certain way or to be *attractive* and appealing. They are not supposed to get *representation* or have a strong opinion about anything important.

The word “sorry” is repeated several times throughout the *video* to tell women that what is shown on TV is completely different from reality. In a way, the ad is *broadcast* to all *woman* who have once suffered from *stereotypes*. The lack of *apologizing* and women should see someone who *models* them on TV ads. It is important for women to have *role* they can follow. It is time (*on International Women’s Day*) to be sorry for all the reasons which were explained above. But beware, this ad may be a *look-like* apology: *role* for the event
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