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Bonjour pouvez-vous m’aider s’il vous plaît je dois le rendre avant le 10 mars merci d’avance

Question 1:

Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form of the preterit in BE+ing.

a) The victim (to write) an email when he was shot.

b) Miss Pike (to shop) in London between 1 and 2 pm.

c) The policemen (to look for)
footprints while Mr Ruben (to drive) to Cambridge.

Now put the verbs between brackets in the correct form of the preterit simple or the preterit in Be+ing.

a) Mr Mills was killed while he (to write) to his mistress.

b) When the crime was committed, Mrs Mills (to watch) a film at the cinema.

c) Mr Ruben (to drive)to Cambridge while Miss (to buy) a mouse for her new computer.

Bonjour Pouvezvous Maider Sil Vous Plaît Je Dois Le Rendre Avant Le 10 Mars Merci Davance Question 1 Put The Verbs Between Brackets In The Correct Form Of The class=

Sagot :

a) wrote
b) shopped
c) looked for
d) drove

a) wrote
b) watched
c) drove, bought
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