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help me pls write a paragraphe about the activities you do when you are not at school ​

Sagot :


hi, my name is [...] , this what I like doing when I'm not at school.

I love watching television on my free time, but what I love more is watching movies. In fact, I like almost all kinds of movies such as romance, comedy, classic except horror movies because this kind of movie makes me nervous and tense. Also, I enjoy watching shows and series such as Doctors and The Ellen Show.

In addition, I enjoy listening to music it makes me feel comfortable and relaxed. I don’t prefer a particular kind of music, it depends on the singers. Sometimes, I enjoy listening to rock music and sometimes classic music, it depends on my mood. Yet, I am really a fan of Johnny Cash, Lenny kravitz, and Dolly Parton.

Finally, what I like to do in my spare time is going on a trip. There are many places in my country which I prefer visiting the most such as forests and mountains. They are my favorite places because everything there is calm. Moreover, I could play sport or just hang out with my friends.

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