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Bonsoir je dois rédiger une lettre en anglais pour un camarade harcelé et je dois le rassurer ensuite
Pouvez vous m’aidez svp

Sagot :

Bonsoir, pourrais-tu détailler ce que tu veux lui dire pour que je puisse t’aider ?
Hello Thomas, I received your letter ... Don't worry I will help you and I will do everything so I don't have to hear this again. I'm going to go talk to them and try to work things out. I really hope I can see you happy because it's been a good two years since I've known you and this has not been a great year since you changed universities. Tell your parents, they will help you and make an appointment with a psychologist. It will do you good. I would also like to tell you to go see the police even if you don't have the courage. I wish you a wonderful end of the year and courage. Your friend.

Voilà :)
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