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salut, j'ai besoin d'aide pour cet exercice d'anglais merci d'avance .

Complète avec WILL OU WOULD 1) If it rains, I.... ..stay at home. 2) If I were you, I ..... ........ invite Jack to the party. 3) If Pat repaired his bike, he ...... go on a bicycle tour with us. 4) If they had enough money, they .... ...........buy a new car. 5) If you come with me, I .......... ............. do the shopping with you. 6) If Tracy had a mobile phone, she............. phone all her friends. 7) 1............. be very angry with Nick if he forgets my CD again. 8) If the boys won this match, their coach ........ invite them to a barbecue. ....​

Salut Jai Besoin Daide Pour Cet Exercice Danglais Merci Davance Complète Avec WILL OU WOULD 1 If It Rains I Stay At Home 2 If I Were You I Invite Jack To The Pa class=

Sagot :

1. Will
2. Would
3. Would
4. Would
5. Will
6. Would
7. Will
8. Will
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