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Aidez moi please j'en ai besoin pr tomorrow

Jsuis gentil jvous offre le max de point a gagner

Merci bien.

Aidez Moi Please Jen Ai Besoin Pr Tomorrow Jsuis Gentil Jvous Offre Le Max De Point A Gagner Merci Bien class=
Aidez Moi Please Jen Ai Besoin Pr Tomorrow Jsuis Gentil Jvous Offre Le Max De Point A Gagner Merci Bien class=

Sagot :

Bonjour ! :

1. when I came into... my friends were dancing...

2. My gf was there too. She was singing...

3. she was performing...and she smiled at me.

4. We walked.. and we started..

5. We were having... when we heard...

1.  Mary was singing... when two men started...

2. The bartender was serving...when Frankie got up and walked...

3. Duke Ellington was still playing... frankie pulled his gun..politely asked them to get out.

Voilà ! n'hésite pas si tu as des questions !



Prétérit V-ing pour une action passée en cours

Prétérit simple pour une action passée terminée, une action soudaine.


1- When I came into the club, all my friends were dancing around the jazz band.

2- My girlfriend was there too, she was singing along with the choristers.

3- She was performing my favourite songs and she smiled at me.

4- We walked to the dance floor and we started to dance.

5- We were having a really good time when we heard police sirens.


1- Mary was singing Costello's favourite songs when two men started fighting.

2- The bartender was serving customers when Nastie Frankie got up and walked towards the men.

3- Duke Ellington was still playing when Nastie Frankie pulled his gun out and politely asked them to get out.


Bonne fin de journée

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