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a Workshop 3 p.60 3 36 * Choisis le déterminant qui convient. a. Listen, somebody's playing the / a musical instrument. It's an / a beautiful sound. b. Convicts were the / Ø criminals. They were transported to Ø / the new colony. c. My brother collects Ø/ a boats. He's got fifty now! d. We only watched an/ the end of an/ the ceremony because we arrived late. e. The / An Aussie is a/an inhabitant of Australia. aidez moi

Sagot :


a. Listen, somebody's playing a musical instrument. It's a beautiful sound.

b. Convicts were Ø criminals. They were transported to the new colony.

c. My brother collects Ø boats. He's got fifty now!

d. We only watched the end of the ceremony because we arrived late.

e. An Aussie is an inhabitant of Australia.

Good evening

Somebody’s playing a musical instrument.
It’s a beautiful sound.

Convicts were criminals ( donc rien )
They were transported to the new colony.

My brother collects boats. ( donc rien)

We only watched the end of the ceremony because we arrived late.

The Aussie is an inhabitant of Australia.

Voilà j’espère t’avoir aidé

Have a good evening
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