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Grammar in Focus (Unit 1) Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets or choose the correct word/ phrase. Hi Billl We 1) ........ (just/ arrive) in Dubrovnik in Croatia! Right now, we 2) ............ (wait) for the bus to our hotel. Dubrovnik 3) ...... (seem) like a really beautiful city, so I'm really looking forward to 4) seel seeing the sights! We 5) .............. (travel) for the last eight hours, so I'm exhausted! We 6) stay/are staying here for one week, then, we 7) get/are getting a bus to Zagreb on Monday. 8) ........ ... (already/buy) the tickets. Talk soon! Steve​

Sagot :



We have just arrived...

Right now we are waiting..

Dubrovnik seems like....

I'm really looking forward to seeing the sights.

We have travelled for...

We are staying here .. then we are getting ..

I have already bought the tickets.


Présent perfect >

Quand l'action est juste passée et est en lien avec le présent

Avec les adverbes already, just, ever, not..yet.....


Présent be-ing

Quand l'action est en train de se dérouler


Looking forward to + V-ing


Bonne journée

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