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Video: Extracurricular activities
0:00 to 0:55 sec 1: What opportunity can you have with school clubs:
2: what adjectives can describe students in clubs? Circle the answers: Lonely Friendly Solitary Accepting
3: How do clubs help you?
4: Give examples of clubs?

0:55 sec to 1:40min
5: What can you practice with intramural sports?
6: What type of players can play? Circle the answer: Good level All levels Professionals
7: When can you practice? 1:40min to 2:07min
8: What is the name of the annual event? 9: What is the concept of this event?

2:07min to 3:40min
10: What are the other important events in a school? 11: What tips/information does the boy share about dances?
12: What types of clothes can you wear?
13: What are pep rallies?
14: Complete the sentence:
The more you ................ involved, the more people you.............

lien de la vidéo : https://youtu.be/1ljkN3m4n0M

merci d'avance.​

Sagot :

coucou jsp si tu en as encore besoin mais voilà

1) thanks to this club you can meet new friends

2) the students who are in clubs are friendly and accepting

3) clubs help you academically

4) there’s a chess club, an art club and a book club

5) j’ai pas trouvé

6) all levels players are accepted into intramural sports because it doesn’t required any skills

7) you can practice during lunch time, after school or both

8) the annual event is called red ribbon week

9) this event is based on the importance of drug free and you can walk against drugs or you can do other activities

10) the other events in school are pep rallies and dances

11) the boy says that you should inform yourself to know if there’s a theme for the dance and if it’s a formal, a semi-formal or a casuel dance

12) during a semi-formal or a formal dance, boys have to wear a suit or a shirt and a tie and girls wear dresses but for casual dances everybody can wear a jean and a shirt or a blouse

13) pep rallies allow students to show their school spirit

14) the more you get involved, the more people you’ll meet

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