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salut svp aidez moi merci d'avance a ceux qui m'aiderons je bloque sur cet exo d 'anglais.
write a speech on the importance of keeping the school environment clean. you are the president of the health club.​

Sagot :


Bonjour, on a pas beacoup de contexte mais bon

Hello my name is _(ton nom)__ and i am the president of the health club. Today i will be speaking to you about the importance of Keeping the school environment clean. First of all keeping our school clean is for safety, if you leave items that are sharp, or that are contaminated such as masks or tissues on the ground it can be dangerous to touch or step on. Second of all its respectful, coming into a dirty classroom in really unpleasant, and it leaves a lot more work to our already busy janitors. So in conclusion lets respect our spaces our staff and our safety, by cleaning up after ourselves.

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