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Complétez avec le verbe conjugué au présent simple ou au
présent Be + Ving
1. When we are in New York we ... 8
(stay / always) at the
same hotel.
2. The teacher
(to think) that Paul is a good student.
3. The wolf population
(to increase) in France
4. Excuse me,
(to sit / anybody) here?
5. I
.... (to live/still) at my parents' house.
6. Normally my husband ....... ...... (finish) working at six.
7. But today he
..... (to work) two hours overtime.
8. ......
(to see / you) the oil tanker on the horizon?
9. We...
.... (to wait)for the pilot to guide us.
10. How time
(to fly)! Holidays are already here!
11. She .....
(to look) ill, she's so pale!
12. Paul
(to talk) to his friend on the phone. Be quiet.
13. He said: 'I ..........
.... (to paint) the kitchen at the moment.'
14. I ......
(to think / seriously) of leaving for the USA.
prácant cimnle au

Sagot :



1. When we are in New York we always stay at the same hotel.

2. The teacher thinks that Paul is a good student.

3. The wolf population is increasing in France

4. Excuse me, is anybody sitting here?

5. I still live at my parents' house.

6. Normally my husband finishes working at six.

7. But today he's working two hours overtime.

8. Can you see the oil tanker on the horizon?

9. We're waiting for the pilot to guide us.

10. How time flies! Holidays are already here!

11. She looks ill, she's so pale!

12. Paul is talking to his friend on the phone. Be quiet.

13. He said: 'I'm painting the kitchen at the moment.'

14. I'm seriously thinking of leaving for the USA.


Le présent en continu (be+ing) est utilisé pour parler d'une action qui est en train de se produire.

exemple: She is sleeping. -> Elle est en train de dormir.

Il est aussi parfois utilisé pour parler d'un futur proche.

exemple: I'm leaving tonight. -> Je pars ce soir.

En espérant t'avoir aidé :)

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