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3 Retrouve les synonymes. Puis complète les phrases
avec un des deux termes en le mettant à la bonne
A. enhance
B. achieve
C. promote
D. cheer
1. applaud
2. improve
3. encourage
4. accomplish
a. ... ballet dancing in Nairobi may help children from
the slums achieve new dreams.
b. The crowd kept ... them during the match.
c. These women ... something great for their country.
d. It will hopefully ... their image and living conditions.

Sagot :

Réponse :

enance : to improve

achieve :accomplish

promote : help

cheer : encourage

applaud : clap

to improve : to ameliorate  

encourage : motivate

accomplich : achieve

a. to improve ballet dancing in Nairobi may help children from

the slums achieve new dreams.

b. The crowd kept motivated them during the match.

c. These women encourage something great for their country.

d. It will hopefully to ameliorate their image and living conditions.

normalement ce sont les bonnes réponses, j'ai mis les synonymes au cas ou.