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Bonjour pourriez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait. j'ai un dm en anglais et je n'ais pas du tout d'idée. I l faut choisir son métier5footballeur) et dire ses qualités, ses compétences et les responsabilités liées à cela en utilisant you have to be, you have to be able to , you have to. Merci

Sagot :

Réponse :

I (you) want to become a footballer because the footballer's mission is to win, over the course of matches and competitions, the team in which he plays. To achieve his sporting goals, the footballer trains almost every day with the other players of the team or even individually. Or he must develop his body but also these behaviors. Whether he is a regular or only a substitute, the footballer must always give the best of himself, as soon as he puts a crampon on the football field. If his performance decreases in quality over the matches, the coach may decide to no longer select him, which can be detrimental for the rest of his career.

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