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Sagot :


Réponse : 1

George Orwell was born in 1903 and at fourteen he was sent to Eton, where he studied for four years. But, althought he had an expensive public school education, he always felt great sympathy for the working class and wished to experience their living conditions.

First of all, he went to live with the poor and the unemployed, after in paris and London and later on in the North of England. Orwell felt very indignant about political injustice at home and, that is why, he was strongly opposed to imperialism abroad. So, in addition to a period as colonial policeman in Burna in the 1920s, he became well-known as a journalist who went to fight fascism in Spain in the 1930s.

However, he is remembered above all for his two political allegories, Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty Four, in wich he attacked all forms of oppression. Orwell died in 1950 at the age of forty-seven.

Réponse : 2

above all -> in particular

after -> afterwards

although -> in spite of the fact that

at the age of -> when he was

first of all -> to begin with

for -> over a period of

however -> nevertheless

in addition -> what is more

later on -> following

that is why -> therefore

J'espère que ça t'aidera :)

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