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Merci d'avance

II – Fill in th gaps with : but- contrary to – however – instead of – whereas - while, I love eating sushi.

2. I have my pen........................................I forgot my bag.

3. You should come with us.........................................staying here.

4. He is tall................................................his mother and his father are short.

5. He was in the kitchen........................................I was watching TV.

6. He likes almost everything ............................... he is not fond of dancing.

7. I like walking.................................I prefer running.

8. I made a mistake, I wrote your name......................................mine.

9. He went to school,..................................he didn't do his homework. friends, I hate singing.

Sagot :

Réponse :

1- Contrary to you, I love eating sushi.

2- I have my pen whereas I forgot my bag.

3- You should come with us instead of staying here.

4- He is tall while his mother and his father are short.

5-  He was in the kitchen while I was watching TV.

6-  He likes almost everything  however he is not fond of dancing.

7-  I like walking but I prefer running.

8- I made a mistake, I wrote your name instead of mine.

9- He went to school, but he didn't do his homework.

10- Contrary to my friends, I hate singing.

Bonjour :)

1. insted of

2. however

3. insted of

4. whereas

5. while

6. but

7. however

8. contrary to

9. however

10. contrary to

Passe une bonne soirée ;)

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