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Bonjour ont peut maider ?

1/ Repérez la voix active et la voix passive

Tom murdered Tim in his garden.

Tim was murdered by Tom in his garden.

Qui est la victime ?……………………………Qui est l’assassin ? …………………………..

2/ Transposez ces phrases à la voix passive.

A woman poisoned Jack Mangiani in his hotel.
The detective found fingerprints in the victim’s car.
A lunatic stabbed a famous singer after his concert in New York.

Sagot :

Réponse :


Explications :

1. Tim est la victime, Tom est un assassin.

2. Jack Mangiani was poisoned by a woman in his hotel.

Fingerprints were found by the detective in the victim's car.

A famous singer was stabbed by a lunatic after his concert in New York.

Voilà :)