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Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider svp ?
Exercise 2 - Use the two sentences to write one complex sentence with a relative clo
1. John is speaking to his boss. His boss is a famous writer.
2. I like the town. You live in this town.
3. I like the painting. It is in this room.
4. They have a car. The car can do 140 miles an hour.
5. This is the house. Sam built it.
6. The man is waiting at the door. He is a detective,
7. My sister's son is a doctor. He lives in London.
8. Chicago is in the north-east of the USA. I grew up in Chicago.
Merci d'avance c'est pour demain.
Bonne soirée ​

Sagot :

1- John is speaking to his boss who is a famous writer
2- i like the town that you live in
3- i like the painting that is in this room
4- they have a car that can do 140 miles an hour
5- this is the house that Sam built
6-the man that is waiting at the door is a detective
7-my sister’s son that lives in London is a doctor
8- i grew up in Chicago which js in the north-east of the USA
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