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Salut, pouvez m'aidez à compléter ces phrases en anglais au présent du parfait.

1. It is the first time Barry .......... (to drive) a Ferrari. (verbe irrégulier)
2. Connor .......... (to live) in Canada for ten years. (verbe irrégulier)
3. It is the first time they .......... (to see) a whale. (verbe irrégulier)
4. Jason .......... (to watch) all world-cup finals. (verbe régulier)
5. He .......... (to loose) his passport. (verbe irrégulier)
6. You .......... (to visit) many countries. (verbe régulier)
7. Jessica .......... (to sail) on the Pacific for 5 years. (verbe régulier)

A la forme négative :

8. Barry .......... (to drive) a Ferrari.
9. They .......... (to see) a whale.
10. Jason .......... ( not to watch) any world-cup final.
11. He .......... (not to loose) his passport.
12. Jessica .......... (not to sail) on the Pacific yet.
13. Cannor ......... (to live) in Canada for a long time.

Sagot :



Le present perfect

Se forme avec le présent de "have"(has/have) + participe passé du verbe

À la forme négative, on ajoute simplement "not" après "have'.

À la forme interrogative, inversion sujet / "have".

1- Barry has driven

2- Connor has lived

3- they have seen

4- Jason has watched

5- He has lost

6- You have visited

7- Jessica has sailed


forme négative

8- Barry hasn't driven

9- They haven't seen

10- Jason hasn't watched

11- He hasn't lost

12- Jessica hasn't sailed

13- Connor hasn't lived


Bonne fin de soirée