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Relie les deux idées en une phrase complexe à l'aide d'un
mot de liaison.
a. Nigeria has a bobsleigh team. It never snows. (whereas)
b. She has never met him. She believes he's a good person.
(even if)
c. She won the final. Her family was very proud. (as)
d. He has no sponsor. He is the best. (although)
e. They were training. The coach received a phone call.
f. They never won. They were training hard. (while)

Bonsoir pouvez vous m’aider svp ?

Sagot :

Réponse :

a. It never snows whereas Nigeria has a bobsleigh team.

b. She believes he's a good person even if she has never met him.

c. Her family was very proud as she won the final.

d. He is the best although he has no sponsor.

e. The coach received a phone call while they were training.

f. They were training hard  while they never won.