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Complete ces phrases avec need, don't have to, should, shouldn't ou could selon la situation
a) Lucy looks very tired: she ... go out so often.
b) You ... worry about your results because you've
done very well!
c) Your school report is very bad: you ... work harder,
you know!
d) A good breakfast is just what you ... to start the day.
e) Don't visit London without a map: you ... get lost.

f) I'll look after your cat: you ... ask your mother.
g) I haven't finished yet: I... more time.
Svp aidez moi ​

Sagot :



a- Lucy looks very tired : she shouldn't go out so often.

b- You shouldn't worry about your results because you've done very well!

c- Your school report is very bad : you should work harder you know!

d- A good breakfast is just what you need to start the day.

e- Don't visit London without a map : you could get lost.

f- I'll look after your cat : you don't have to ask your mother.

g- I haven't finished yet : I need more time.


Bonne soirée ☺☺☺

A) shouldn’t
B) dont have to
C) should
D) need
E) could
F) should
G) need
J’espère que ça peut t’aider