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bonjour je dois faire ses exercices d'anglais pouvez-vous m'aider svp merci bcp ! :

1/ Conjugue les verbes suivants au present perfect(Put the verbs into present perfect).
a)I ________ (buy) a new lamp
.b)School _______(not/ start) yet. It’s only 7.
c)_________ (he / speak) to his boss?
d)My parents__________________ (write) five letters to Juliet

2/Remets les mots dans l’ordre pour former des phrases cohérentes

3/ Complète les phrases avec un superlatif et un verbe au present perfect à partir des verbes et des adjectifs suivants
interesting /boring /excitingfunny /good /bad /difficult /visit /have /meetsee /read / play

a)Harry Potter is ______________ book I’ve ever ____________
b)Jane is ________________________ friend I’ve ever ____________
c)This is _________________ museum I’ve ever___________________
d)Ping-pong is _________________ sport I’ve ever _____________
e)George is ____________ man I’ve ever_____________________

Sagot :

Réponse :

have bought/hasn't started/have you spoken/have written

2)a Has his teacher started the lessons yet?

b)He has just opened his book

c)We've already listened to this music

d)It's the best song i've ever heard

Explications :

a) i have bought a new lamp.
b) school hasn’t started yet. its only 7.
c) he has spoken to his boss?
d) my parents have written 5 letters to juliet.

a) his teacher has started the lesson ?
b) he just opened his book.
c) we’ve already listened to this music.
d) its the best song i’ve ever heard.

a) harry potter is the most good book i’ve ever read.
b) jane is the most exciting funny friend i’ve ever had.
c) this is the most interesting museum i’ve ever visit.
d) ping-pong is the most boring sport i’ve ever played.
e) george is the most bad man i’ve ever meetsee.
(pas sûre pour l’exercice 3 sorry!!)