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Précis, page 140
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out tel
7 walk down
Exercice 1
Peter veut poster ce commentaire sur son blog
après son week-end en Irlande. Aide-le en
conjuguant les verbes entre parenthèses au passé.
Last week-end, we (visit) Dublin. On Saturday mor-
ning it (not rain), so we (go) to Dublinia Exhibition.
After lunch, we (walk) in Merrion Square Park and
we (see) the statue of Oscar Wilde. In the evening,
we (eat) at a pub where we (listen) to an Irish band.
They (play) traditional music just for us and we (try)
to dance with them. It (be) great fun.
en v

Sagot :

Réponse :

We visited Dubin. On Saturday morning it didn't rain, so we went to the Dublinia Exhibition. After lunch, we walked in Merrion Square Park and we saw the statue of Oscar Wilde. In the evening, we ate at a pub where we listened to an Irish band. They played traditional music just for us and we tried to dance with them. It was great fun

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