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Bonjour voici mon exercice le but est de conjuguer les verbes qui sont entre parenthèses en les mettant au présent simple
a. She's in her bedroom, she
(to learn) her English lesson.
b. He
(to wake up/never) in time.
C. She
(to smile / rarely).
d. Look! He
(to walk) on his hands.
e. Why
(you/to refuse) to invite him?
f. What
(they/to wait) for?
g. 1
(not/to understand) what you
h. He
(to sit/always) next to her.
i. They
(to go / usually) to work by bus.
j He isn't in at the moment, he
(to play) outside.
k. What
(you/to do) in my room?
(you/to believe) in God?
(he/ever/to answer) correctly?
(to mean).

Sagot :

Réponse :

1) is learning

2) is never waking up

3) She is smiling rarely

4) is walking

5) are you refusing

6)they're waiting