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Yesterday, Queen Elizabeth.....(PUT) her jewels on
when her servant.....(CALL) her.
She....(LEAVE) her ring on the table,.....(STAND) up,......(PAT) Candy -one of her dogs- and ...... (WALK) out of the room.

Ten minutes later, when she
(COME) back, she.....(DISCOVER) that her ring had disappeared.

Detective Holmes from Scotland Yard immediately ......
There ...... (BE) three possible suspects: the window cleaner, the servant and the painter
Holmes ..... (START) his investigation.​

Sagot :

Réponse :


Yesterday, Queen Elizabeth put her jewels on when her servant called her.

She left her ring on the table, stood up, patted Candy - one of her dogs - and walked out of the room.

Ten minutes later, when she came back, she discovered that her ring had disappeared.

Detective Holmes from Scotland Yard immediately arrived. There was three possible suspects: the window cleaner, the servant and the painter. Holmes started his investigation.

Explications :

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