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bonjour vous pouvez m'aider je dois écrire cette histoire en anglais et au preterit merci d' avance ✍️ texte:Une bande de jeunes décident d'aller construire une cabane a côté d'une grande fleuve. Après une longue durée de séparation , la bande se réunit a nouveau. Un soir Mike et kielly ete allait a la cabane . Mike rentra a la cabane et aperçu que quelques chose d'étranger y vivait . Alors que mike était a la cabane , kielly réparé la roue arrière de son vélo est tout d'un coup elle s'est blessée . Soudain un gigantesque monstre est sorti du fleuve a cause des gouttes de sang de kielly. Elle essayé de se cacher mais le monstre la vue . Kielly rentra dans la cabane et le monstre détruit la cabane et l' avala .Mike rentra a la maison et raconte tout l histoire aux autres et décident d'aller capturé et tué ce monstre. Le soir quand Greg et sa soeur étaient seul a la maison , ils ont fait beaucoup de piège et il se blesse la main puis le monstre apparaît et tombe dans leur pièges et ils le brule . Le lendemain matin un oeuf bleu très effrayant remonta du fleuve et fin​

Sagot :

Réponse :

A group of young people decide to go and build a cabin next to a large river. After a long time of separation, the strip reunites again. One evening Mike and kielly ete were going to the cabin. Mike returned to the cabin and saw that something foreign was living there. While mike was at the cabin, kielly repaired the rear wheel of her bike and suddenly she was injured. Suddenly a gigantic monster came out of the river because of drops of kielly blood. She tried to hide but the monster saw her. Kielly returned to the hut and the monster destroyed the hut and swallowed it. Mike came home and told the whole story to the others and decided to go captured and killed this monster. In the evening when Greg and his sister were alone at home, they made a lot of traps and he wounds his hand then the monster appears and falls into their traps and they burn him. The next morning a very frightening blue egg came up from the river and ended

Explications :

Voici le texte en Anglais

Réponse :

A group of young people decided to build a cabin next to a large river. After a long time of separation, the strip reunited again. One evening Mike and kielly went to the hut. Mike went inside the hut and noticed that something strange lived inside. While mike was in the hut , kielly repaired the rear wheel of her bike when suddenly she hurts herself. Suddenly a gigantic monster came out of the river because of the blood that Kelly had lost. She tried to hide but without sucess, the monster saw her. Kielly returned to the hut but the monster destroyed and ate it. Mike ran at home and told what just happened to the others. Together they decided to catch and kill the monster. When the night came and Greg and his sister was alone at home, they made a lot of traps and Greg hurted his hand to attract the monster.  

The taps worked and they burned it.  

The next morning they found a very scary blue egg who went up of the river.  

Explications :

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