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Bonsoir pourriez vous m'aider à cet exo svp. Je vous remercie d'avance pour votre aide
Exercice 1 : Mettez l’adjectif entre parenthèses au comparatif ou au superlatif selon le sens
1. Chinese is certainly .................................................. language in the word (difficult)
2. I think biology is .................................................subject at school (interesting)
3. What are the ........................and the .............................................. universities in Great Britain? (old) (well-known)
4. Usan bolt is ............................................athlete in the world (fast)
5. The Eifel Tower is ................................................... the Shard in London (high)
6. Lincoln Cathedra in UK is .....................................and.................................the Empire State building in the USA (small, old)
7. I think that Stan is .........................................and ................................................... in this groupe (serious, sensitive)
8. Electrical cars are .................................................. gasoline-powered ones. (expensive)