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Bonjour à tous pouvez-vous m'aider en ANGLAIS (il faut faire le texte en anglais merci beaucoup )s'il vous plaît présenter à vos followers votre série TV préférée et en expliquant pourquoi vous l'aimez (choix de la série, intrigue, personnages), à quelle fréquence la regardez-vous et quel est l'impact sur votre vie

Sagot :

Hello everyone ! Today I'm here to present a series that I love. "Malcolm in the middle " (example of a serie) Little genius despite himself, Malcolm lives in an extraordinary family. With his three brothers (Francis, Reese and Dewey and Jamie who will join them in season 4) they don't hesitate to do a lot of stupid things which makes the series very funny. The parents are also rather atypical between Lois, her hysterical and authoritarian mother, and Hal, her father, an immature office worker with no sense of responsibility, there is something to laugh about . So why am I telling you about this series? Well because I find it more than funny, it helps me a lot when I don't feel good with all the atypical characters and the comic scenes they create, you can only have fun in front of it ! So, good day to you, I hope you enjoy the series and see you next time for others tips.

(J’espère que ça vous aidera vous pouvez peut-être vous aidez de ça il y a sûrement deux trois fautes.)
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