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Bonjour pouvez vous m’aider à réécrire mon petit texte en anglais et au passé svp
Merci d’avance

Bonjour Pouvez Vous Maider À Réécrire Mon Petit Texte En Anglais Et Au Passé Svp Merci Davance class=

Sagot :

Réponse :Hi, this is Jerry. When I came to the camp, there were two differents teams. On one side the white and on the other side the black. I didn't like the other team. In the beginning we fought many times between the whites and the blacks. But as time passed we started to like them  better. I'm sure it will be a good season. On the bus ride, there was the blacks on one side and the whites on the other side.


Explications : Bonjour, je t'ai traduis ton texte. Ce n'est pas sur a 100% mais voilà, je t'ai aidé




it's Jerry , when i came to camp , tbere were two different team . The other side is white team and on the other hand the black team .

I didn't like the opposing team .

At the begining the white and black , wefought several time . But over time we started to appreciate them more and more .

I am sure that this season will be the nice . On the way in the bus the Black team were on one side and white team on the other side .

came , were , started = prétérit

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