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bonjour pourriez-vous m aidez svp pour cette exercice à l'aide de la carte
By groups of 2, talk to each other to determine what you want to do in New York. It can be visiting places, doing shopping, seeing a monument, etc.
Explain why you want to do that activity, or why you don’t want to do it. (5 activities minimum per group)
Use words to locate the places you want to visit.
Say what means of transports you will use between the places you want to visit.
Make a sum-up (=résumé) of your trip.

Bonjour Pourriezvous M Aidez Svp Pour Cette Exercice À Laide De La CarteBy Groups Of 2 Talk To Each Other To Determine What You Want To Do In New York It Can Be class=

Sagot :



Me and my friends we visited New York which is a beautiful city we started our walk to central park it is really huge and beautiful then we went out and we went shopping with my friend on the way out we went to visit the empire state building then we went home.

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