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pouvez-vous m'aider j'ai un DM d'anglais à faire mais je n'y arrive pas j'ai tout essayé mais rien y faire je ne comprends pas merci d'avance.

10/ The President represents the executive power. What is the name of the organ which embodies
the legislative power?

11/ This organ is divided into two houses. One is composed of 100 members, the other of 435

12/ What is the highest authority concerning laws?

13/ Is there a Prime Minister in the U.S.A.?

14/ Who helps the President?

15/ What are the American equivalents of the French words « ministre » and « ministère »?​

Sagot :

Réponse :


10)  It is the agency which has the responsibility to formulate the will of the state and vest it with legal authority and force.

11) The Senate and House of Representatives are the parts of the bicameral legislature of the USA. The Senate has 100 members (2 from each state) and the House has 435 members (allocated by population).

12) The highest authority concerning laws are Federal Courts

13) The United States of America does not have a prime minister, since it does not follow a parliamentary government unlike other countries

14) The Cabinet helps the President decide by giving advice and information.

15) Ministre = secretary

ministère = department

Voilà!! J'espère t'avoir aidé!!

Explications :

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