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Bonjour petit exercices à corriger :)

Énonce: Mettre les verbes au futur puis au conditionnel.

1.She ate everything, she was so hungry !
She ate everything, she will be so hungry !
She ate everything, she would be so hungry!

2.What does she explain to him ?
What will she explain to him ?
What would she explain to him?

3. Why did you neighbours hate that child ?
Why will you neighbours hate that child ?
Why would you neighbours hate that child ?

4.How many people come to the party ?
How many people will come to the party ?
How many people would come to the party?

5. Jenny is so patient with everybody !
Jenny will be so patient with everybody!
Jenny would be so patient with everybody 

Merci a vous!

Sagot :

1.She ate everything, she was so hungry !
She will eat* everything, she will be so hungry !
She would eat* everything, she would be so hungry!




3. Why did your* neighbours hate that child ?
Why will your* neighbours hate that child ?
Why would your* neighbours hate that child ?


Le reste est bon, me semble-t-il.

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