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The types of child labour have changed in recent years due to enforcement of legislation, awareness
amongst buyers about child exploitation, and international pressure. Child labour is now more
invisible because the location of the work has changed from the more formal setting of factories**,
to business owners' homes.
Children are engaged in manual work, in domestic work in family homes, in rural*** labour in the
agricultural sector including cotton growing, match box making factories, in the carpet-making
industry, in mining quarrying, shoe-shining companies and tea gardens amongst others.
India's 2011 census showed that:
There were more than 10.2 million "economically active" children in the age group of five to 14
years old - 5.6 million boys and 4.5 million girls,
Eight million children were working in rural areas, and 2 million in urban areas.
Although in rural settings the number of child workers decreased from 11 million to 8 million
between the 2001 and 2011 censuses, over the same period, the number of children working in
urban settings rose from 1.3 million to 2 million
*setting the place
** factories usines
***rural des champs
1) Source ?
2) Topic of this article
3) Find a synonym for
4) Find out how many children work in India ?
5) Find whether there are more girls or more boys who work in India?
6) Identify a major change that occured in India

Pouvez vous m’aider au plus vite s’il’ vous plaît ?

Sagot :


2) The article is about child labour in india
3) synonyme de quoi ?
4)more than 10,2 million children
5)they are more boys 5,6 million boys and 4,5 million girls
6)the major change that occured in india is urban settings rose from 1,3milion to 2million

Voilà j’espère avoir répondue à tes questions et désolé je n’ai peut être malheureusement pas tout bonbonne journee !:))
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