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Bonsoir ,, Pourriez vous " vraiment " m'aider ; Merci d'avance !!! Consigne : Complétez ces phrases par l'un des mots interrogatifs suivants : why / when / which / whose / how often / how hight / how far a ) ................................... children are they ? They're Mr Smith's children . b ) ................................. do you go to London ? I go to London every summer. c ) .................................. didn't you tell me ? I didn't tell you because you were not there ! d ) ................................. is it from here ? Twenty miles, maybe a little more. e ) ..................................did it happen ? Yesterday night. f ) .................................... one do you want ? I would like the green one , please ? g ) .................................. is this building ? One hundred and sixty-three meters. Merci de me répondre assez rapidement ...

Sagot :


Réponse :


Consigne : Complétez ces phrases par l'un des mots interrogatifs suivants : why / when / which / whose / how often / how hight / how far

a ) Whose children are they ? They're Mr Smith's children .

b ) How often do you go to London ? I go to London every summer.

c ) Why didn't you tell me ? I didn't tell you because you were not there !

d ) How far is it from here ? Twenty miles, maybe a little more.

e ) When did it happen ? Yesterday night.

f ) Which one do you want ? I would like the green one , please ?

g ) How high is this building ? One hundred and sixty-three meters.