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Bonjour, pourriez vous m'aidez s'il vous plait , pour cet exercice d anglais Complete the sentences with while, as, whenever, before ou until. 1.. you enter a shop they ask you what caste you belong to. 2 .As a Dalit, he had to work hard … he managed to run his own shop. 3.Dalits weren’t allowed to be in contact with the rest of the population … India’s constitution banned the practice of untouchability. 4.I saw women walking miles to fetch water … I was visiting the countryside. 5.… I talked to them I realised that Dalits were still considered as inferior. 6.I thought the caste system was a thing of the past … I went on a mission to India. 7.Many changes will have to be made … Dalits can lead a normal life. MERCI D AVANCE

Sagot :

Réponse : Mes réponses ne sont pas fiables a 100%, Je te conseille quand même de vérifier par toi même si tu les trouve correct^^

1) as




5) Whenever



Explications :